Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Why Chinese Mother Are Superior
Golsom Azim Ms: †Rebecca Language and organization First Draft of Narrative Essay Going to Marriage Party I was nine years of age, extremely uproarious and didn't focus on anybody even my folks. Anything I desired the most I simply did as such. At some point while I was playing with my dolls, I caught that my folks were speaking together about setting off to a marriage party, the marriage party identified with one of my mother’s relative, my mom was stating that â€Å"don’t advise the kids in light of the fact that the house is up until now and on the off chance that we take them they will get drained and furthermore let them to consider their lessons.When I heard it I turned out to be extremely upbeat on the grounds that on my youth I truly preferred to take an interest in various types of gatherings, I simply kept playing, When my mom set herself up for heading off to the wedding, I proceeded to ask: â€Å"Mother where are you going? †Because I was so wi llful my mom concealed it from me and said â€Å"my dear girl I am simply going out for shopping. †yet I realized that she is heading off to the wedding, I stated: â€Å"No mother you are lying, because of going out for what reason would you say you are wearing such delightful garments? my mom said nothing, simply setting herself up. I shouted mother I realize that you are heading off to the wedding; please I need to go also. Kindly take me likewise yet my mom didn't take a gander at me and went to discover her shoe I just fallowed crying, she didn't do anything since she realized that I am so difficult and never hear her out, after a ton of crying she gave me one of my delightful dresses and I prepared. On that day at ten o’clock my folks and I left home.Journey was extremely blissful for me since I never had long excursion, in transit my folks were chatting with one another about the wedding yet I didn't hear them, I was simply observing out from the window of the vehicle various things, similar to individuals were occupied on their works and did various things and saw numerous excellent trees and blossoms and pondering about the individuals outside. I preferred them a great deal and furthermore in transit I saw two individuals were battling with one another and I turned out to be interested and asked my dad â€Å"why they are battling? my dad said my dear little girl I don’t think about them why they are battling, I said taking note of just took a gander at them. Following one hour venture we got off the vehicle and had lunch close to one of the delightful springs. I truly delighted in, while we were having our lunch my mom prompted me a ton that â€Å"my dear little girl when we show up there simply deal with yourself since you don’t know anything about there and be with me, don’t go anyplace without my authorization I just said OK mother.After three hours we showed up there, they were exceptionally glad to meet us an d regarded us a great deal. Around evening time when the gathering began and all the visitors came and the husband to be and lady of the hour additionally came and sat on their own seats, they were looking extremely alluring and enchanting. Individuals who were there begun to move. Because of I couldn’t discover any companion to play with them I just sat close to my mom and watched them. The gathering was so blissful for me and had a great deal of amusing to watch them since all that I saw was new for me.After the gathering was done at a couple o’clock 12 PM numerous visitors went out and some of them remained there, they took me and my mom to one little space for dozing at that night, I was so attempted and felt lethargic soon. I woke up at 8 o’clock in the first part of the day, had my morning meal. At the point when my folks needed to returned home they didn't stay as to come in light of the fact that their gathering didn't complete they had one more gatherin g that show all of things that lady of the hour brought from her folks home. So we didn’t return home on that day and remained for one more day. At the point when I completed my morning meal I saw that my mom was occupied with conversing with other women.Without taking any consent from her, I just went out and saw that numerous kids were playing with one another I was extremely eager to see them since they were playing a game that I adored it also. They were fixing one of the girl’s eyes with a dark Catton and she needed to discover different young ladies in the event that one of the young ladies was found by her, she would play instead of her. Without saying anything I proceeded to go along with them. They didn't tell anything while we were occupied in playing. One of the young ladies said to us, â€Å"Let’s go to the nursery in light of the fact that here isn't acceptable spot for playing. We as a whole acknowledged and went with her. The spot that she discus sed was so far yet at the same time I jumped at the chance to go, when we arrived it was so green and had lovely trees, decent blossoms with various types of smell and one little waterway. we began playing other game that one young lady should shroud her eyes and different young ladies ought to proceed to conceal themselves wherever that they need, we were simply occupied in this game when I passed my turn, I went to shroud myself some place after a ton of hurrying to locate any better spot my feet stuck on a major stone and tumbled down to a river.I attempted a great deal however couldn’t spare myself and started to shout a ton yet nobody heard my voice since they had gone to an extremely far spot to conceal themselves. In the wake of being for ten or fifteen minutes in the water I got oblivious. What's more, when I woke up I wound up in an emergency clinic. It was night around six or seven a clock I saw that my mom was crying toward the edge of the room and my dad was perch ed on a seat when they saw me, my dad was extremely glad however my mom was upbeat and furious as well.Because my dad had chasten her a great deal why she didn't deal with me. My mom drew close to me and asked me for what good reason I liked this, why I didn't focus on her advices. I was feeling so modest and couldn’t tell anything just stated: â€Å"mother who brought me there? †She said,†your dad. †I asked again†how? †She told that: â€Å"We hung tight a great deal for you yet you didn't come so I just looked and after a ton of looking, the young ladies that you had gone with them disclosed to us that you were with them however subsequent to playing they couldn’t discover you so they got back home without you. I was extremely dishonorable before my folks since I made them anxious and as a result of me they didn’t appreciate from the gathering and furthermore I was extremely scared of specialists and medication since I prefe r not to eat medication. Toward the end I came to accept that guardians never need the disagreeableness of their youngsters and they simply consider the bliss, advancement and success of our life. So from that day, I have consistently been complying with whatever my folks have exhorted me.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Health Care Plan Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Social insurance Plan - Case Study Example Smoking and liquor both lead to hypertension and atherosclerotic cardiovascular ailment. The cerebral pain for which he takes Panadol likely could be related with hypertension, and he has a background marked by hypertension (Grundy, et al. 2004). Gordon additionally has hypercholesterolemia, which autonomously and in relationship with smoking, liquor, and likely hypertension would incline to atherosclerotic cardiovascular illness, where statement of fat in the blood vessel dividers would cause narrowing of the coronary supply routes (Davis, 2002). Shockingly Gordon likewise has diabetes mellitus, which makes him increasingly inclined to atherosclerotic coronary illness, would prompt more hypercholesterolemia, would bother the impacts of hypertension, and would prompt an inclination of antagonistic coronary occasions related with coronary vein ailment. Coronary illness (CHD) is typically connected with at least one qualities known as hazard factors. A hazard factor is a part of individual conduct or way of life, a natural introduction or an inherent or acquired trademark, which based on epidemiologic proof is known to be related with the event of infection. The danger of MI is in this way multiplied in the smokers, or a 200% expansion in hazard contrasted and nonsmokers. Higher systolic circulatory strain (Nichols, 2003), higher low-thickness lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, higher fasting glucose levels and 2-hour insulin esteems, higher weight list (BMI), and lower high-thickness lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol are totally related higher mortality in this gathering of patients (Roth and Laurent-Bopp, 2004). Given this situation, there must be a measure to survey his blood weights and blood sugars. Lab tests might be incorporated to gauge his serum lipid levels. His prescription history is significant in that over-the-counter medicine must be halted. These likewise may bother hypertension. For hypertension customary admission of antihypertensive medicine might be important. For a consistent control of blood sugars forbearance from liquor is an absolute necessity alongside customary prescription, diet, exercise, and normal checking of the blood sugars. True to form, for his situation, there is a high possibility of the lipid profile
Thursday, August 13, 2020
The One and Only Melis
The One and Only Melis 5.0 G.P.A. Rhodes Scholar One of Glamour Magazines Top 10 College Women in 2007 Member of the 2008 All-USA College Academic First Team . . . . Ill never forget meeting Melis Anahtar at FLP she has such a beautiful smile that youd think that shes the daughter of a Crest employee. One night my first semester here, I was struggling with an 18.02 problem. My roommate couldnt figure it out either, so I decided to ask Melis for help over AIM she patiently explained to me how to solve it, but I remained confused. Id already taken half an hour of her time, so I thought that itd be imposing of me to ask if I could get help from her in person much to my surprise, she asked if I wanted to meet her in person. It was a no-brainer I hustled to Next House as fast as possible and practically flew into her room. As I caught my breath, she took me through every step of the problem once again, and walked out with a smile on her face as she left to go wherever she was heading. That story captures the qualities about Melis that inspire me everyday brilliance, kindness, and humility, all of which she displays so effortlessly. Im grateful to have her as a role model, as are so many other people at MIT. With graduation a few weeks away, I decided to profile her for my blog. At first I thought that Id try to narrate her story by myself, but I soon realized that doing so would be a daunting task she has done so much research and contributed to MIT in so many ways that I wouldnt know where to begin. So, I decided to let her write this entry in some sense I asked her a few questions about her upbringing and her experiences. Prepare to be dazzled How did you get interested in science? Both of my parents are architects, so I grew up in their studio and developed a passion for designing, building, and drawing. I loved playing with Legos and making cities out of trash like old tissues boxes and paper towel rolls. I was also lucky to grow up in the D.C. metropolitan area, where there were many science-related extracurricular activities available like science clubs taught by scientists from NIST and the NIH on the weekends, electricity workshops offered through the 4-H, and a problem solving competition called Odyssey of the Mind (which I did from 1st 11th grade). Which experiences, before and at MIT, have been most formative in your development as a person, thinker, and so forth? I attended Math, Science, and Computer Science Magnet programs in middle and high school. They were wonderful, nurturing environments where I got exposed to advanced biology, computer science, chemistry, math, and so forth. My passion for research and science began in earnest in 10th grade, when I became fascinated with biology and learned about all of the crazy processes that occur in our bodies. I was able to take advanced classes in genetics and cellular physiology that also made me curious about biological mechanisms. Another part of the Magnet curriculum was the senior research project. It was a tremendous opportunity to spend two summers (after my sophomore and junior years of high school) working in the Center for Engineering in Medicine (CEM) at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). My mom and sister moved up to Boston with me and I did a project in microfluidics, where I created a device that separates 99% of the white blood cells in a few drops of blood. In the future, this device could be used for personalizing medicine. It was incredible to go from designing a device on the computer, making it in the clean room, and then testing it with rat blood. Ill never forget watching the red blood cells explode as they went coursed through the device, and seeing that only white blood cells were coming out of the outlet. Through that experience, I really fell in love with bioengineering, became a finalist in the Intel Science Talent Search, got 1st place in Engineering at the International Science and Engineering Fair, and got to publish a paper in Analytical Chemistry where I was the second author. Most importantly, it was at MGH that I learned about MIT. Everyone there told me how it was the best engineering school and that I just had to go there! In what labs have you worked, and what research did you conduct in each? Freshman-year IAP May: I worked in the lab of Professor Jianzhu Chen at the MIT Center for Cancer Research. We were trying to develop an efficient method of promoting cellular uptake of siRNA. I tested formulations for pulmonary delivery of siRNA in vivo using two non-toxic carriers, polyethylenimine and poly-beta-amino ester. Through my research in the Chen Lab, I became proficient at handling animals and learned the fundamentals of gene therapy, drug delivery, and cell cultures. I also further developed my interests in genetics and virology. It was fascinating to apply the latest discoveries in biology to such a practical and extremely important problem as treating influenza. The challenges of delivering RNA to cells captured my imagination, and made me very interested in the application of nanotechnology to this problem. Obviously, nanotechnology is still in its infancy, but it has great potential for future diagnostic and treatment techniques. Thus, I arranged to spend the summer of 2005 at NIST, studying the use of optical tweezers to create nanowire-based devices. Nanowires are the basic building block of the nanoscale world, and while we have many different types available to us, there are very few tools to manipulate and assemble them directly. One of the few such tools is optical tweezers, which use the momentum of photons to move around and trap objects smaller than ten microns. I used them to manipulate semiconducting zinc oxide nanowires and create junctions and parallel wires, with the goal of eventually makin g more complex structures. Sophomore and junior academic years: I worked in the BioInstrumentation Lab. My main focus was testing the efficacy of three generations of a needle-free injector (NFI) that had been developed there. Conventional hypodermic syringes used for drug injection present many hazards due to accidental needle sticks and improper disposal. The NFI eliminates the necessity for a needle by puncturing the skin using a high-velocity liquid jet. In addition to being safer than a hypodermic needle, it may also have higher patient compliance rates due to a less painful injection. I was able to participate in the research and development phases, and worked simultaneously with mechanical engineers and a biologist. From side projects, I learned circuit design and control systems. [Check out her essay on NFIs at] Summers after sophomore, junior, and (soon to be) senior years: I worked in the Human Biochemical Genetics Lab at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI). The lab specializes in rare genetic disorders caused by problems in vesicle-related organelle formation and trafficking. I chose the lab for the opportunity to conduct genetics research for the clinical director of the NHGRI, Dr. Bill Gahl. Every Thursday morning, we had the opportunity to shadow him on clinical rounds and see him transition flawlessly between the bench and bedside. The research has been especially meaningful because of the clinical applications; the decision to return to the lab this summer was a no-brainer. I couldnt seem to get the research out of my mind, and I worked non-stop during the day but couldnt have been happier about it. As a summer student in 2006, I studied Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome, a genetic disease which causes albinism, excessive bleeding, and sometimes pulmonary fibrosis and colitis, and also met patients affected by the disorder. In 2007, I studied disease markers for pulmonary fibrosis, with the goal of developing outcome parameters for clinical trials involving the most seriously affected patients. At the same time, I studied patients with Smith-Magenis Syndrome, a developmental disorder that causes autism and inverse circadian patterns of sleep. I worked directly with Dr. Ann Smith, who first described the condition in 1986, and performed real-time PCR on patient DNA to determine the breakpoints of their large deletion on chromosome 17. Finally, I did my senior thesis project (September 2007-May 2008) in the Lab for Multiscale Regenerative Technology under the guidance of Professor Sangeeta Bhatia. I designed and synthesized biocompatible silicon nanoparticles that can be used to image tumors using MRI.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Macbeth Act 2 Summary - 1734 Words
Summary Macbeth meets Banquo in the courtyard of his castle. Banquo is restless because he cannot decide how he feels about the witches and their prophecies. Macbeth pretends indifference, but casually agrees to talk about it if Banquo would like. They agree, and Banquo leaves. Macbeth again takes time to examine the pros and cons of going through with the plot, and begins to see illusions, starting with a dagger floating in the air in front of him. He seems to go back and forth, but eventually decides to kill Duncan. Enter To come on stage. Court A courtyard, possibly the forecourt. bearing a torch before him Fleance is carrying a torch because this scene is set at night. Since the play was originally performed in the open air, in†¦show more content†¦As long as this doesn’t involve doing anything dishonorable, and as long as I can stay loyal and true, I’ll follow along. My bosom franchised and allegiance clear  my heart belongs to the king I shall be counsell’d.  I’ll agree to your plans. The difference between the two men is becoming clear  Macbeth is willing to do anything, including murder Duncan, to get to the throne; Banquo won’t even pursue honor for himself if he has to give up any virtue to get there. Good repose the while! Sleep well until we get together to talk about this. Macbeth is probably just covering up, acting naturally. As we’re about to see, he has already decided to act, and probably feels no more need to discuss things with Banquo. Is this a dagger which I see before me, / The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee. / I have thee not, and yet I see thee still. dagger  sturdy, medium-sized knife, with a blade up to a foot long. let me clutch thee. / I have thee not  Macbeth is trying to grasp the dagger’s handle, but there’s nothing there. Macbeth has begun to see things, guilty visions, even before he has started down the road of murder. He is afraid of the immediate future, afraid of what he is planning to do. Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible / To feeling as to sight? or art thou but / A dagger of the mind, a false creation, / Proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain? Aren’t you able to be touched, just as you can be seen? 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Worlds Most Endangered Frogs
Frogs are the most numerous of the worlds amphibians, but they are rapidly declining, and many species are actually facing the imminent threat of extinction. Pollution, global warming, and habitat destruction from human development have already taken a serious toll, reports Animal Planet. Frogs, in particular, have suffered, having lost an estimated 170 species in the last 10 years alone. Frogs are also affected by a singular danger that is threatening their populations worldwide: the chytrid fungus, which coats frogs skin and seals out vital moisture and kills frogs by dehydration. Adenomus dasi Agalychnis moreletii Albericus siegfriedi Alexteroon jynx Allobates juanii Alsodes montanus Alsodes tumultuosus Alsodes vanzolinii Ameerega ingeri Ameerega planipaleae Amietophrynus taiensis Andinophryne colomai Anodonthyla vallani Aromobates leopardalis Aromobates meridensis Aromobates nocturnus Arthroleptella rugosa Arthroleptis kidogo Arthroleptis troglodytes Astylosternus nganhanus Atelopus andinus Atelopus angelito Atelopus arsyecue Atelopus arthuri Atelopus balios Atelopus bomolochos Atelopus boulengeri Atelopus carauta Atelopus carbonerensis Atelopus carrikeri Atelopus chiriquiensis Atelopus chocoensis Atelopus chrysocorallus Atelopus coynei Atelopus cruciger Atelopus ebenoides Atelopus elegans Atelopus epikeisthos Atelopus erythropus Atelopus eusebianus Atelopus eusebiodiazi Atelopus exiguus Atelopus famelicus Atelopus farci Atelopus galactogaster Atelopus glyphus Atelopus guanujo Atelopus guitarraensis Atelopus halihelos Atelopus laetissimus Atelopus lozanoi Atelopus lynchi Atelopus mandingues Atelopus mindoensis Atelopus minutulus Atelopus monohernandezii Atelopus mucubajiensis Atelopus muisca Atelopus nahumae Atelopus nanay Atelopus nepiozomus Atelopus nicefori Atelopus onorei Atelopus oxyrhynchus Atelopus pachydermus Atelopus patazensis Atelopus pedimarmoratus Atelopus peruensis Atelopus petersi Atelopus petriruizi Atelopus pictiventris Atelopus pinangoi Atelopus planispina Atelopus pulcher Atelopus pyrodactylus Atelopus quimbaya Atelopus reticulatus Atelopus seminiferus Atelopus senex Atelopus sernai Atelopus simulatus Atelopus sonsonensis Atelopus sorianoi Atelopus subornatus Atelopus tamaense Atelopus varius Atelopus walkeri Atelopus zeteki Atopophrynus syntomopus Bokermannohyla izecksohni Boophis williamsi Bromeliohyla dendroscarta Callulina hanseni Callulina kanga Callulina laphami Callulina shengena Callulina stanleyi Cardioglossa alsco Cardioglossa trifasciata Centrolene ballux Centrolene gemmatum Centrolene heloderma Charadrahyla altipotens Charadrahyla trux Churamiti maridadi Colostethus jacobuspetersi Conraua derooi Cophixalus concinnus Cophyla berara Craugastor anciano Craugastor andi Craugastor angelicus Craugastor catalinae Craugastor coffeus Craugastor cruzi Craugastor emcelae Craugastor emleni Craugastor epochthidius Craugastor fecundus Craugastor fleischmanni Craugastor glaucus Craugastor greggi Craugastor guerreroensis Craugastor lineatus Craugastor megalotympanum Craugastor merendonensis Craugastor milesi Craugastor olanchano Craugastor omoaensis Craugastor polymniae Craugastor pozo Craugastor ranoides Craugastor saltuarius Craugastor stadelmani Craugastor tabasarae Craugastor taurus Craugastor trachydermus Cryptobatrachus nicefori Cycloramphus faustoi Dendropsophus amicorum Discoglossus nigriventer Duellmanohyla salvavida Duellmanohyla soralia Duellmanohyla uranochroa Duttaphrynus sumatranus Ecnomiohyla echinata Ecnomiohyla rabborum Ecnomiohyla salvaje Ecnomiohyla valancifer Eleutherodactylus albipes Eleutherodactylus alticola Eleutherodactylus amadeus Eleutherodactylus apostates Eleutherodactylus bakeri Eleutherodactylus bartonsmithi Eleutherodactylus blairhedgesi Eleutherodactylus bresslerae Eleutherodactylus brevirostris Eleutherodactylus caribe Eleutherodactylus cavernicola Eleutherodactylus chlorophenax Eleutherodactylus corona Eleutherodactylus cubanus Eleutherodactylus darlingtoni Eleutherodactylus dixoni Eleutherodactylus dolomedes Eleutherodactylus eneidae Eleutherodactylus eunaster Eleutherodactylus fowleri Eleutherodactylus furcyensis Eleutherodactylus fuscus Eleutherodactylus glandulifer Eleutherodactylus glanduliferoides Eleutherodactylus grandis Eleutherodactylus griphus Eleutherodactylus iberia Eleutherodactylus jasperi Eleutherodactylus jaumei Eleutherodactylus juanariveroi Eleutherodactylus jugans Eleutherodactylus junori Eleutherodactylus karlschmidti Eleutherodactylus lamprotes Eleutherodactylus leoncei Eleutherodactylus locustus Eleutherodactylus lucioi Eleutherodactylus mariposa Eleutherodactylus nortoni Eleutherodactylus orcutti Eleutherodactylus orientalis Eleutherodactylus oxyrhyncus Eleutherodactylus parabates Eleutherodactylus parapelates Eleutherodactylus paulsoni Eleutherodactylus pezopetrus Eleutherodactylus poolei Eleutherodactylus rhodesi Eleutherodactylus richmondi Eleutherodactylus rivularis Eleutherodactylus rufescens Eleutherodactylus rufifemoralis Eleutherodactylus schmidti Eleutherodactylus sciagraphus Eleutherodactylus semipalmatus Eleutherodactylus sisyphodemus Eleutherodactylus symingtoni Eleutherodactylus tetajulia Eleutherodactylus thorectes Eleutherodactylus tonyi Eleutherodactylus turquinensis Eleutherodactylus ventrilineatus Eleutherodactylus warreni Eupsophus insularis Exerodonta perkinsi Fejervarya murthii Gastrotheca lauzuricae Gastrotheca zeugocystis Geocrinia alba Glandirana minima Heleophryne rosei Holoaden bradei Hyalinobatrachium crybetes Hyla bocourti Hyla heinzsteinitzi Hylomantis lemur Hyloscirtus chlorosteus Hyloscirtus colymba Hyloscirtus ptychodactylus Hyloxalus anthracinus Hyloxalus delatorreae Hyloxalus edwardsi Hyloxalus ruizi Hyloxalus vertebralis Hyperolius pickersgilli Hyperolius watsonae Hypodactylus lucida Hypsiboas cymbalum Incilius cristatus Incilius fastidiosus Incilius peripatetes Indirana gundia Indirana phrynoderma Ingerana charlesdarwini Insuetophrynus acarpicus Isthmohyla angustilineata Isthmohyla calypsa Isthmohyla debilis Isthmohyla graceae Isthmohyla insolita Isthmohyla rivularis Isthmohyla tica Leiopelma archeyi Leptobrachella palmata Leptodactylodon erythrogaster Leptodactylus fallax Leptodactylus magistris Leptodactylus silvanimbus Leptophryne cruentata Lithobates chichicuahutla Lithobates omiltemanus Lithobates pueblae Lithobates sevosus Lithobates subaquavocalis Lithobates tlaloci Lithobates vibicarius Litoria booroolongensis Litoria castanea Litoria lorica Litoria myola Litoria nyakalensis Litoria piperata Litoria spenceri Mannophryne caquetio Mannophryne cordilleriana Mannophryne lamarcai Mannophryne neblina Mannophryne olmonae Mantella aurantiaca Mantella cowanii Mantella milotympanum Mantidactylus pauliani Megastomatohyla mixe Megastomatohyla pellita Melanophryniscus langonei Micrixalus kottigeharensis Microbatrachella capensis Microhyla karunaratnei Minyobates steyermarki Nannophrys marmorata Nectophrynoides paulae Nectophrynoides poyntoni Nectophrynoides wendyae Niceforonia adenobrachia Nimbaphrynoides liberiensis Nimbaphrynoides occidentalis Nyctibatrachus dattatreyaensis Nymphargus anomalus Nymphargus laurae Odontophrynus moratoi Odorrana wuchuanensis Oophaga lehmanni Oreobates pereger Oreobates zongoensis Oreolalax liangbeiensis Parhoplophryne usambarica Pelophryne linanitensis Pelophryne murudensis Pelophylax cerigensis Peltophryne florentinoi Peltophryne fluviatica Peltophryne lemur Petropedetes dutoiti Philautus jacobsoni Philautus sanctisilvaticus Philoria frosti Phrynobatrachus chukuchuku Phrynobatrachus intermedius Phrynopus dagmarae Phrynopus heimorum Phrynopus juninensis Phrynopus kauneorum Phrynopus tautzorum Phyllomedusa ayeaye Phytotriades auratus Platymantis insulatus Plectrohyla acanthodes Plectrohyla avia Plectrohyla calthula Plectrohyla calvicollina Plectrohyla celata Plectrohyla cembra Plectrohyla chryses Plectrohyla chrysopleura Plectrohyla crassa Plectrohyla cyanomma Plectrohyla dasypus Plectrohyla ephemera Plectrohyla exquisita Plectrohyla guatemalensis Plectrohyla hartwegi Plectrohyla hazelae Plectrohyla ixil Plectrohyla pachyderma Plectrohyla pokomchi Plectrohyla psarosema Plectrohyla pycnochila Plectrohyla quecchi Plectrohyla sabrina Plectrohyla siopela Plectrohyla tecunumani Plectrohyla teuchestes Plectrohyla thorectes Polypedates fastigo Pristimantis albericoi Pristimantis bernali Pristimantis hamiotae Pristimantis lichenoides Pristimantis phragmipleuron Pristimantis simonsii Pristimantis torrenticola Pristimantis tribulosus Pristimantis veletis Prostherapis dunni Pseudophilautus amboli Pseudophilautus limbus Pseudophilautus lunatus Pseudophilautus macropus Pseudophilautus nemus Pseudophilautus papillosus Pseudophilautus procax Pseudophilautus simba Pseudophryne corroboree Psychrophrynella guillei Psychrophrynella illimani Psychrophrynella kallawaya Psychrophrynella saltator Ptychohyla dendrophasma Ptychohyla hypomykter Ptychohyla macrotympanum Ptychohyla sanctaecrucis Rana chevronta Rana holtzi Ranitomeya abdita Ranitomeya dorisswansonae Raorchestes chalazodes Raorchestes chlorosomma Raorchestes griet Raorchestes kaikatti Raorchestes marki Raorchestes munnarensis Raorchestes ponmudi Raorchestes resplendens Raorchestes shillongensis Raorchestes sushili Rhacophorus pseudomalabaricus Rhinella amabilis Rhinella chavin Rhinella rostrata Rhinoderma rufum Scinax alcatraz Scinax faivovichi Scinax peixotoi Scutiger maculatus Somuncuria somuncurensis Strabomantis helonotus Stumpffia helenae Taudactylus acutirostris Taudactylus eungellensis Taudactylus pleione Taudactylus rheophilus Telmatobius atacamensis Telmatobius cirrhacelis Telmatobius culeus Telmatobius espadai Telmatobius gigas Telmatobius niger Telmatobius pefauri Telmatobius punctatus Telmatobius vellardi Telmatobius zapahuirensis Telmatobufo bullocki Vandijkophrynus amatolicus Werneria iboundji Wolterstorffina chirioi Xanthophryne tigerina Xenopus itombwensis Xenopus longipes
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Is racism still in football Free Essays
string(65) " what it is leading to as it did me the first time I watched it\." A lot of people would argue that racism is still around, no matter how much we try to kick it out and especially in Football. Kick it out is a campaign designated purely to stamp out racism in Football. It works throughout the football, educational and community sectors to challenge discrimination and encourage inclusive practices and work for positive change. We will write a custom essay sample on Is racism still in football? or any similar topic only for you Order Now However after recent events going back a few years racism is still a main part of the football world although most people try to hide the fact that this is happening a lot of others are disappointed and frustrated that this still goes on. â€Å"To any governing body that turns a blind eye, I want to tell you that your attitude only magnifies the fact you are out of touch with the modern game†a strong statement made by Sepp Blatter president of FIFA (The International Federation of Association Football) to suggest that people must speak up, otherwise this problem may never be solved. On speaking about recent events that have caught eye of the public audience’s I’m going to speak on two talented footballers who are generally known around the world; Luis Suarez Captain of Uruguay and an extremely talented footballer who wears the number 7 jersey for Liverpool FC and John Terry, previous England captain and captain for Chelsea FC, both have been in the limelight regarding racial allegations. After being found guilty for misconduct regarding using insulting and potentially racist words towards Patrice Evra of Manchester United, Luis Suarez was banned for eight games and fined ?40,000. The allegations on October 15th during a fixture between Liverpool and Manchester United, during which Evra claimed that Suarez racially abused him â€Å"more than 10 times†(Guardian, 2011) Recently, incidents of racism have been blown out of proportion. Main man for Chelsea and England leader John Terry has been in the public eye following an occurrence that took place December of 2011 between himself and Anton Ferdinand, brother of England’s Rio Ferdinand. John Terry has been accused of racial abuse and has been found guilty on the 27th of July 2012. â€Å"The verdict released by the FA said: â€Å"The Football Association charged Mr Terry on Friday 27 July 2012 with using abusive and/or insulting words and/or behaviour towards Queens Park Rangers’ Anton Ferdinand and which included a reference to colour and/or race contrary to FA Rule E3 [2] in relation to the Queens Park Rangers FC versus Chelsea FC fixture at Loftus Road on 23 October 2011. (BBC Sport, September, 2012) Sky Sports are one of the most sports oriented television channels in the UK and I will be assigning my media interest about how they reflect on the racism in the football world, more so in the United Kingdom. For my second week I had to identify, justify and develop an answerable research question Because I decided to focus my media interest on how sky sports deal with the issue that has affected a lot of people in football, this issue being racism, itâ€⠄¢s no surprise that my research question will be of the same topic. To begin with I had to do some research to see if the question I’m asking would be suitable and answered by the right audience. However before I reached that stage I needed to find the correct people I’m aiming this question to. So I went and rushed to the nearest shopping centre and asked a lot of local men, there ages ranging 18-24. 17 out of 20 young males identified themselves as regular Football viewers and also check Sky Sports to catch up on the latest. Research Question: How do Sky Sports report racism in Football? Object of Study: In this subject I will be discussing how exactly Sky Sports report the racism that has been going on in recent events going back a few months to the Euro Cup where football players stated ‘if someone throws a banana at me I will go to jail, because I will kill them’ (Mario Balotelli, Sky Sports news) Sky Sports, like any other News Industry contain a lot of facts and gossip. In order to get information from my ‘object of study’ I have decided that I would visit Birmingham City Football club and speak to two young men who play for the clubs reserve squad, I asked them How Sky Sports reports racism and how the audience may respond to them? 8 year old Nathan told me that he had gone through some racial abuse early on in his career ‘I would never get picked for teams, players would never pass me the ball and most likely hear some racial abuse from fans but I believe it made me a better player now’ and 19 year old Jermain told me ‘whether Sky S ports sponge the racism issue these days to get more viewers or not, at least there putting the issue out there more so everybody can see what goes on. However I still needed to ground my question and make it more local, I could only come to a conclusion and make it based more in the UK, ‘How do Sky Sports report football racism in the UK?. Sky Sports covers most of England NI and Wales this could already suggest that all there reports covers only the United Kingdom. In my third week, for my third assignment I’ve had to amend my question and look at something that in my eyes had all the possible attributes to fit that week’s task. I have decided to use the new Guinness advert to show how rhetorical and also semiological analysis are both being used. Directed by Peter Thwaites from Gorgeous, the film was shot on location in South Africa in both Johannesburg and along the Durban coastline. The advert conveys the metaphor amazing things can happen when we challenge ourselves. (Creative report, 2012) The advert in the viewer’s judgments if never seen before can leave them guessing what it is leading to as it did me the first time I watched it. You read "Is racism still in football?" in category "Papers" However, I looked back at it a few times and came across a number of key factors that actually do make sense and can relate to the pint of Guinness they are so discreetly advertising. ‘A cloud came from the sea’ the idea here, this could suggest, is that the cloud represents the typical Guinness drinker – someone who has broken away from the masses to find their own path. In a way using a cloud to represent liquid refreshment is very clever and in its own way. â€Å"The cloud came from the sea. He was not like other clouds. The wind could not come on him. The more he saw, the more he did. And the more he did, the more he became. You see he wasn’t just a cloud. He was a cloud made of more†the dialogue is very intriguing and it’s what draws us closer to the advertisement. As the film progresses, the cloud engages with people, places and objects below, seeing itself reflected in a mirrored skyscraper, darkening as it approaches the scene of a fierce industrial fire before the dramatic climax. The cloud then gently drifts back, ocean-bound, and gradually merges into a swirling pint of Guinness, before resolving with the new pint; Guinness. Made of More. Speaking more about the fire scene, in actual essence the cloud does represent a lot more. I believe that the fire represents a man’s rage and the cloud puts out the fire suggesting that if you have a pint of Guinness you’ll be relaxed and cooler. After reviewing this advert I’ve come to a conclusion, it’s just a major metaphor to show the amazing things that can happen when we challenge ourselves to make the most of who we are. Do we settle for the way things are or do we take the bold choice to step up and be made of more? Do we settle for an ordinary drink or do we choose one that is made of more? †Now for my fourth week I decided to focus my task on a new topic, purely because I needed a diverse audience there’s not much diversity in Football between Male and Females. How do audiences get entertainment from watching music videos on YouTube? YouTube provides a venue for sharing videos among friends and family as well as a showcase for new and experienced videographers. Featuring videos it considers entertaining, YouTube has become a destination for ambitious videographers, as well as amateurs who fancy making a statement of some kind. In addition, YouTube emerged as a major venue for excerpts from political speeches (PC Magazine) To find out a suitable answer for my question I had to obviously ask some people and see what their response on the subject is. The 3 people I decided to interview were: 21 year old musician Jamal, 23 year old Producer Michael and 19 year old dancer Emma. All of these people where happy for me to ask them anything as long as it suited the subject. Jamal told me he watched YouTube at least three times a day just too see if he can find inspiration and sometimes check out the competition. ‘YouTube is a massive platform for everybody to show off their skills, I have to see what everyone is bringing to the table to know what kind of stuff I want to bring out, and sometimes find some inspiration’. Michael however wasn’t so bitter and loves watching other musicians and producers on YouTube. ‘I love YouTube, I love everything about it. It’s like travelling the world to see what talents others have but you can do it all in your room if you know what I mean. I watch YouTube every night, sometimes because I’m bored but most of the time for entertainments, it’s like how can anybody get bored of YouTube’. I asked him if he’s ever uploaded anything on YouTube and how that’s affected him ‘Yes, I upload my beats and samples and most of the times I get people messaging me and asking me to make them an instrumental, so it does take most of my time’. To conclude my interview I went over to speak to 19 year old dancer Emma, she told me that if it had not been for YouTube maybe she would have been a nurse. I was studying health and social care in secondary school till I got all obsessed with dancing, so literally every night after school id rush home to watch some magnificent dancers on YouTube. It was like a form of relaxation, I loved it, there were some nights I wouldn’t sleep id just be up all night watching amazing dancers. This was the main factor which made me change my mind in becoming a dancer. As far as entertainment goes, I believe YouTube is the main entertainment site to date for anyone. McQuail – ‘duality of audiences’ is largely used when I was interviewing each one of these people because it gave them sense of equality the way they so passionately spoke about the subject. By reading Stuarts Halls encoding and decoding essay ive come to realise that The terms encoding and decoding are often used in reference to the processes of analog-to-digital conversion and digital-to-analog conversion. In this sense, these terms can apply to any form of data, including text, images, audio, video, multimedia, computer programs, or signals in sensors, telemetry, and control systems. Encoding should not be confused with encryption, a process in which data is deliberately altered so as to conceal its content. Encryption can be done without changing the particular code that the content is in, and encoding can be done without deliberately concealing the content. (Search network, encoding decoding, Stuart Hall) Hall himself referred to several ‘linked but distinctive moments – production, circulation, distribution/consumption, reproduction’ (Hall 1980, 128) How to cite Is racism still in football?, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Learning & Development of Foster Children-Samples for Students
Question: Examines the Philosophy regarding the learning and development of the Fosters Children. Answer: Introduction Fosters children are referred to the children who are separated from their birth parents for several reasons and are kept under parent ship of other capable couples. A philosophical approach will be taken for the purpose of the fosters childrens learning and development. Authors Philosophy As the foster children are plucked from their birth parents home and relocated to a new family, it is important to ensure they are happy, content and comfortable within their new environment. It is important to create the place suited for them to explore and feel safe, so that they can maintain their healthy living which is of utmost priority for learning and development of their mind. Foster family and friends have the greater role in this as the children live with their new foster parents. Socialization of the children plays a vital role in their development which can be achieved with the help of the parents and their friends and colleagues. More the healthy gathering organized by the parents, more the chances increase in favor of the child to develop their mental state (Schoenmaker et al., 2014). Theoretical background also needs consideration in this context. The developmental psychology is included in the matter and also considers contemporary approaches such as socio-cultural theories, post modernism and post structuralism. All these theories have significant influence in early childhood, which strongly links to the fundamental philosophies (, 2017). It is observed that the mixed age grouping is often useful for both the teachers and children when learning and teaching. It includes a more holistic, child-responsive curriculum practices that consider the understanding capability and dispositions that children need for future. This way, teacher and the children have more than a year to work together, which can enhance continuity of learning and the forming of positive relationships. As the younger children get to work with elder ones, the younger ones benefit from the positive models of older ones, often aspiring to their level of capability (, 2017). Technology is another aspect that should be in central focus of the service. It plays a significant role in learning and development not only of the young foster children but to the whole. Technology is included in the curriculum of many pre-schools for faster understanding of the children. It also helps to make the education more fun. Moreover, it is important to develop the technological skills of the young generation in order to prepare them for future competition (Weissman, 2016). Conclusion It can be concluded from the above report that the foster children in the society go through a psychological imbalance that needs to be taken care of for their proper development and learning process. It obviously starts from home and the relatives and friends and end with the school. Both the institutions effort is absolute necessary. Special curriculum needs to be adopted as mention for their development and overcome the psychological trauma they go through. References (2017).theories. Retrieved 9 August 2017, from learning. Retrieved 9 August 2017, from Schoenmaker, C., Juffer, F., van IJzendoorn, M. H., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M. J. (2014). Does family matter? The well-being of children growing up in institutions, foster care and adoption. InHandbook of child well-being(pp. 2197-2228). Springer Netherlands. Weissman, D. E., Founding Editor. (2016). Technology and the future of palliative care education.Journal of palliative medicine,19(1), 2-3.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
College Essay Essays - Startup Cult, Testament Of Pope Paul VI
College Essay College Essay Throughout the years, I have had to deal with many trials, and challenges. Growing up BI-racial had a big affect on both my parents' relationship, my relationship with my parents (which later on lead to their separation). There were cultural clashes within my household; my mother who was from Korea, and my father who was from Panama. I had learned to depend on myself, my friends, and most importantly, on God. I believe that I would be successful in college, because I believe that I have a lot of potential. I'm determined, motivated, and also have a great depth of understanding my work. Although there was a great decline in my grades due to depression, caused by the death of a friend, loss of a loved confidant, and abuse from a boyfriend, my performance while attending school was excellent. My grades have improved since entering my senior year. I have learned a lot from the depression, finding inner peace, and achieving personal emotional growth. An event in my life that has left a lasting impression on me would be the lesson that I have learned about life. Last summer, I went to a revival crusade, which was held at the Meadowlands. There was this speaker there named Stephen Hill. He spoke of Christianity being a relationship between people and Christ, not about being a religion. I learned a lot from that revival, and I have not been the same ever since. Not only is my outlook on life different, but so is my personality. All the burdens that were so heavily laid on me were gone the day I got saved. Instead of being dependent on my family and friends, learned to rely on a being that I cannot see, but can only hope and have faith in. Faith believes in something that we cannot see. ? Faith is to believe what we do not see, and the reward of faith is to see what we believe?, (St. Augustine). This event took me out of my depression, and made me realize that I wasn't alone. God was always watching over me. It helped me overcome the battles that I was fighting within myself. In the future, I would love to pursue a music career. Writing music, and singing, has always been a great passion and talent of mine. For now, I'm happy volunteering at a nearby hospital with a friend of mine. In the past, I have done modeling, artwork, and piano. As I continue my senior year, I look forward to college. To go off in a world, where there are various lessons to be learned. To experience life, friends, and work. To be away from everything that is familiar to you, and is off at a place where your surroundings are unfamiliar, and eccentric. To get the proper education I need to start off my career. I believe that I am qualified for the Educational Opportunity Program, because I have the potential to succeed at a State University. I have a decent average, and I am eligible financially. I've had to deal with many trials in my young life, and would love to start fresh at The State University of New Yo Acceptance Essays
Friday, March 6, 2020
Free Essays on Causes of Alcoholism
Causes of alcoholism. Scientists do not yet fully understand what causes alcoholism. Although many people use alcohol at times, only a small percentage develop drinking problems. Researchers are beginning to identify ways that the brains of alcoholics differ from the brains of nonalcoholics. For example, tests show that alcoholics and nonalcoholics have different patterns of brain electrical activity. Such differences may provide evidence that alcohol does not affect the brains of alcoholics in the same way it affects nonalcoholics. Because of the way their brains respond, problem drinkers may develop an unusually strong desire for alcohol's effects. Research shows that heredity plays an important role in alcoholism. For example, the pattern of brain electrical activity associated with alcoholism appears to be inherited. Other studies show that people with an alcoholic parent have a greater risk of developing the disease than do children of nonalcoholics. Scientists are working to identify the particular genes (chemical units of heredity) that increase risk. Most experts think that many genes are involved and that environment also plays a key role in developing the disease. Environmental influences may include income level, family stability, and community acceptance of drinking. Experts think that the relative importance of various genes and environmental factors may differ among individuals.... Free Essays on Causes of Alcoholism Free Essays on Causes of Alcoholism Causes of alcoholism. Scientists do not yet fully understand what causes alcoholism. Although many people use alcohol at times, only a small percentage develop drinking problems. Researchers are beginning to identify ways that the brains of alcoholics differ from the brains of nonalcoholics. For example, tests show that alcoholics and nonalcoholics have different patterns of brain electrical activity. Such differences may provide evidence that alcohol does not affect the brains of alcoholics in the same way it affects nonalcoholics. Because of the way their brains respond, problem drinkers may develop an unusually strong desire for alcohol's effects. Research shows that heredity plays an important role in alcoholism. For example, the pattern of brain electrical activity associated with alcoholism appears to be inherited. Other studies show that people with an alcoholic parent have a greater risk of developing the disease than do children of nonalcoholics. Scientists are working to identify the particular genes (chemical units of heredity) that increase risk. Most experts think that many genes are involved and that environment also plays a key role in developing the disease. Environmental influences may include income level, family stability, and community acceptance of drinking. Experts think that the relative importance of various genes and environmental factors may differ among individuals....
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Reflection in Gynaecology Emergency Care Case Study
Reflection in Gynaecology Emergency Care - Case Study Example Reflection in nursing is within the context of practice (Burns and Bulman, 2000). Burton (2000) states reflective practice is designed to raise more questions as threads that may extend into future but on lived experiences (Burton, 2000). Cotton (2001) called it a process of dynamic evolution to examine appropriateness of action (Cotton, 2001). Johns (2007: 8) states reflection to be an intellectual effort on the part of the professionals that incorporates thinking, feeling, and action that essentially arise from practice (Johns, 2007: 8). Therefore exploration of self through reflection on experiences would develop self-awareness and ability to evaluate actions. McKenna (1999) stated that philosophical assumptions serve as contexts in reflection (McKenna, 1999). Teekman (2000) wrote reflection to be a system intended for actions based on philosophy in nursing (Teekman, 2000). Valuable learning can take place within clinical nursing practice, often using reflection as the key strategy. Reflection offers an opportunity for practitioners to enlighten the essential nature of the care (Fejes, 2008). This reflective account is about an incident on my placement in the gynaecology unit in an NHS Hospital. ... This reflective practice would also help me to identify my strength areas and weaknesses in competence, so I can understand better the importance of maintaining and developing professional competence. Description Molly is a 23-year-old married lady admitted to the Gynaecology ward from the Emergency Unit with the diagnosis of severe left sided lower abdominal pain, nausea, and weakness and fainting suspected to be left sided tubal ectopic pregnancy. Molly had a past history of pelvic inflammatory disease following an induced abortion 6 months ago. She had missed a period which is 2 weeks overdue, and two days back, she had just a slight spotting. Her problems of abdominal discomfort started yesterday which she terms as vague soreness on the left lower abdomen. Today this vague discomfort was replaced by sharp, colicky pain in the left lower abdomen accompanied by vaginal spotting. In the Emergency Room, a vital sign record revealed tachycardia and a low blood pressure. She had demonstrated some air hunger, and the emergency department physician detected cyanosis and started her on mask ventilation on 100% oxygen (Edwards, 1997). An intravenous fluid infusion was started, and a FBC drawn revea led severe anaemia in the range of 7 g percent (Adam and Osbourne, 2005). When the patient stabilized in the emergency room, an ultrasonography revealed an ectopic pregnancy in the left utero-ovarian tube with imminent rupture. She was immediately admitted to the inpatient Gynecology ward where emergency management was started and a considerable extent of care was delivered by me under guidance of my mentor. While the patient was decided to be prepared for an emergency surgery, I had to monitor her vital signs,
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Ethos Use by Jesse Ventura to Enhance Conspiracy Theory Thesis Proposal
Ethos Use by Jesse Ventura to Enhance Conspiracy Theory - Thesis Proposal Example The conspiracy theories captured in the series elicit a lot of mixed reactions and responses from different parties. It is in closely examining a specific part of one of the episodes that the rhetorical appeal of the series is revealed. Rhetorical appeals are also referred to as modes of persuasion. These devices in rhetoric classify the appeal of the speaker to his or her audience. However according to Aristotle in a clear sense persuasion is somewhat of a demonstration because human beings are persuaded to the greatest degree when a thing is considered as having been demonstrated. However, there are 3 kinds of styles of inducement furnished by the verbal word The first is ethos in which persuasion was achieved through the personal character of the speaker when he or she speaks in a manner to make the audience think him or her credible. On the other hand, persuasion may issue from or through the audience in instances where the speech was used to stir their emotions. This is what Aristotle labeled as pathos. Finally, Aristotle describes the kind of persuasion effected through the actual speech when an apparent truth or a truth has been proved using persuasive arguments that are enough to the case in question. This mode of persuasion is known as logos. Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura is one kind of television series that leaves the audience torn between different versions of ‘truth'. The numerous, unique, as well as individualized conclusions people relation this and organizations, draw from his discussions and investigations.
Monday, January 27, 2020
Unitarism in the Workplace
Unitarism in the Workplace Generally speaking, Unitarism means that every workplace should be integrated as well as harmonious entity which exists for common goal. In unitarism the managements role is critical and main aim of management is to provide powerful leadership and good way of communiation.In unitarisized organization, Employees should be loyal to their organization as well as their management to meet up their common goals. Most of the unions in the world are existed for loyalty as well as commitment for their employees; however this is the main reason thats why they are not welcomed by Employers. Sometimes Employees became too familiar with management and sometimes this situation creates conflict between each other.( Morris, R., Mortimer, D. and Leece, P. (Eds). (1999) In Pluralism , Management supposed to make not only powerful and different sub-groups but also they has to powered these groups with its own legal loyalties and with their own set of objectives as well as leaders. From this discussion, there are mainly two major sub-groups arises Management and trade unions. In pluralism it is impossible for management to avoid conflict because Management only cares about achieving its objectives and goals and proper attention on Employees are not given, they just provide usual training to their employees to achieve goals. So in Pluralism, Management is totally focused on achieving goals rather then view employees on personal relationships.( Mortimer, D., Leece, P. and Morris, R. (Eds.), (1998)) What is Unitarisim? Well in simple sentence unitarism can be called as theory of ordinary purpose as well as mutual goals with no basic conflict of attention between labour and wealth (capital) As a result of this, Managements role diversify, less diversify towards enforcing and more powerful towards persuasion and Co-ordination. Mainly Trade unions are legal Council of employees, they are mainly dealt with conflict at workplace and it is not considers as a bad thing if management able to manage trade unions, this can lead management towards progress as well as positive change. (Wiesner, R. and Millett, B. (Eds.), (2001)) Conflict is a deviation, the outcome of Conflict may be: Poor communications in organizations between management and employees Poor management style as management may not be able to handle employees. HRM mainly strategic and logical approach for the management, it is also considered as organisations most precious assets People working in organisation donate for organisations success of the business. Human Resource Management had replaced the term Personnel Management as HRM involves the process of managing people in organisation. By simple mean, HRM is the process of employing people , developing their assets, utilizing, caring and compensating their services in terms of the job and managerial necessity.( Wood, J., Wallace, J., Zeffane, R., Schermerhorn, Hunt and Osborn, (2001)) There are mainly two approaches in HRM i.e. Soft HRM it relates with growth of humanism, Management gives proper training to their employees as if they are their personal. Hard HRM it relates with active combination of employees into firm objectives , Management seems to be hard with their employees , mostly they are focused on achieving goals. In Employment relationship, Neo-institutionalism is the term which is an expanded view of pluralist philosophy which is all about the function of rule-making. In management employee relationship, there are mainly two types rules Formal rules Substantive rules Neo-institutionalism also consists some other features such as Neo-intuitionalism is not only open but also endedness in terms of employee relationship Neo-Intuitionalism helps to understand the present in relationship with past Neo-Intuitionalism also describes and helps employees to understand the real world.( Wooden, M. (2000) , page no . 221) From recent Australian studies and world, it is shown that, Most of the work currently following unitarism tool of HRM ,because its been considered as soft HRM and in this Soft HRM, there are several criteria that fulfils todays dynamic worlds needs and wants , such as Soft HRM mainly focused on individuals own performance and its also focuses on individuals own development and in Unitarism , all of the employees and management of organization doing team-based work , so it is more favourable for employers. Where as in hard HRM , Management is mostly oriented towards result achieving , so Hard HRM is not very favourable for To achieve long term financial goals, most of the employers focused on development of employees because this can be proved positively for them in long term. References: Web references: Unitarism VS Pluralism Date assessed on 22-08-2009 Unitarily perspective from Date assessed on 22-08-2009 Book references: Teicher, Holland and Gough (2006) text book page no 42 to 46 Braverman, H. (1974) Labor and Monopoly Capital: the Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century, New York: Monthly Review Press (331.0904 B739 1 c.1) Bray, M., Deery, S., Walsh, J., and Waring, P. (2005) Industrial Relations: A Contemporary Analysis, Sydney: McGraw-Hill. Cole, Kris, (2001) Supervision: The Theory and Practice of First Line Management, Frenchs Forest, NSW: Prentice-Hall. Colvin, J. and Watson, G. (1998) The Workplace Relations Handbook: A Guide to the Workplace Relations Act 1996, Melbourne: Butterworth.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Human Knowledge Essay
Anyone writes at one point or another in his lifetime to share his or her experiences, ideas, perceptions, situations, and points of view. Some write everyday in their private diaries to capture their memories. Others write to give way to the expression of their emotions, sometimes, pent up, a fond memory, thoughts, or aspirations, even frustrations. If knowledge is knowing and learning gained through experience then personal essays become one of the rich sources, if not the fountainhead, of knowledge which brings us to the stance of this discourse. The personal and highly subjective approach of the personal essay is not merely entertaining but definitely, it adds much to the stock of human knowledge. There are two bases for the present argument. Firstly, important terms, as they have bearing on the issue, are explained or defined where this discourse attempts to build this position and view on the subjective approach of personal essays as a big contributor to the stock of knowledge. Secondly, Hs’s discussion on the sources of knowledge (Hs n. d. ) not only supplements the understanding of the terms but builds a strong working framework for this argument. On the overall, an understanding of the working definitions of knowledge and personal essays serves as the springboard for the discussion at hand. Subordinated to knowledge and personal essays are the words subjective and entertaining. Knowledge may be understood as defined in several ways but not limited to the following: ‘the fact or condition of knowing something with familiarity gained through experience or association; acquaintance with or understanding of a science, art, or technique; the fact or condition of being aware of something; the range of one’s information or understanding; the fact or condition of having information or of being learned; the sum of what is known; and the body of truth, information, and principles acquired by humankind’ and ‘applies to facts or ideas acquired by study, investigation, observation, or experience’ (Merriam Webster n. d. ). Moreover, knowledge refers to the ‘state or fact of knowing; familiarity, awareness, or understanding gained through experience or study; the sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or learned; learning; and specific information about something (Houghton Mifflin 2000). The accumulation of all possible information in every discipline altogether makes up the â€Å"stock of human knowledge. †On the other hand, the personal essay is one where the writer speaks from his or her own personal perspective about just any thinkable or unthinkable, imaginable or unimaginable (such as fictions) topic – emotions, experiences, places, events, things, animals, etc. A personal essay is very personal to the writer in that it relates to one’s private life rather than anyone else. In this sense, it is to a high extent particular, intimate and maybe found peculiar, but highly subjective. To be subjective is to be biased and one-sided. In the case of a personal essay, the writer has some biases with reference to any particular topic because he or she writes from how he or she views things in the environment. That is what makes personal essays highly subjective and all along carrying that personal touch. These writings become amusing or enjoyable, or contextually, entertaining to the readers on account of an experience where they become vicariously involved. Knowledge (and the accumulation of it) as understood from its given definitions are functions well fulfilled by personal essays. Hs listed and explained the five sources and the ways by which knowledge is gained (Hs n. d. ) – people, books, experience, experimentation and observation, and thinking and pondering. All of these sources heavily point to or at least allude to the voluminous personal essays. First, â€Å"people,†Hs declares â€Å"are the biggest source of knowledge for anybody†because for one reason, many people’s varied experiences can make enough experience in that area from which others may derive lessons from as a consequence of reading them. Since personal essays are highly subjective dwelling on personal anecdotes, it is not surprising that they are saturated with the first person pronoun â€Å"I†in the process of the narration (Cavallari n. d. ). These experiences as expressed through personal essays may affect the lives of others either â€Å"giving inspiration or altering some of your core values and outlook of life†(Oz Essays n. d. ). The things to learn from these numerous people experiences include also their achievements, frustrations, failures, miseries, mistakes, and skills. Furthermore, personal essays make their writer ask themselves â€Å"what experience has taught them about themselves†(Editors for Students n. d. ). And that from the personal stories grows out the points of the experience (Composition Patterns n. d. ). The lessons in life are paramount to the increase of one’s knowledge. Second, reading as much as many books about any topic is another source of knowledge. Take for instance a particular example cited by the author, Hs. The same problem that one may be confronted with must have similarly confronted others. By reading how others dealt with the same problem might just instantly give the solution as used by others. Though not so related but contextually relevant is the old saying that â€Å"there is no frigate like a book†where the reader is able to â€Å"travel†and see the wonders of the world through the eyes of those who undertook the travels and wrote about them. Third, it is true that â€Å"experience is a great teacher†according to Hs because mistakes are corrected and achievements are gained through lessons derived from past experiences not just your own but others’ as well. No matter how rhetoric but it is undeniably true that the best lessons in past experiences tells us that the present must learn from the past to make the present better and plan out for the best future. Fourth, experimentation and observation add to the stock of human knowledge by attempting at finding out, through one’s efforts and those of others through their writings, which attempts succeed that readers might carry on and which attempts fail that they might avoid in their own ventures. Watchfulness and keen observation of others’ approaches to particular situations is a sure way to gain knowledge that can be applied when the situation arises that calls for appropriate actions. What best observations can be had than reading from the personal essays of many people that one cannot possibly physically do all? Fifth, by thinking and pondering on what have been read such as personal essays can lead to a deep understanding of any topic. Take the case of personal essays of uncountable number on â€Å"How To†¦Ã¢â‚¬ like â€Å"How to Become a Millionaire,†How to Study Effectively,†â€Å"How to Win an Election,†How to Deal with Stress,†and many more. They are generally taken from individuals’ own experiences and insights that are shared to the readers. From these personal essays are skills or strategies learned that might as well work for the readers’ own successes. They are not necessarily products of empirical studies worked out from sample populations. Are they not significantly contributing to the stock of human knowledge? The process and later the formation of the habit of writing makes the individual primarily knowledgeable in many ways and secondarily acquiring the appropriate skills in communicative writing. Writing from personal experiences and incidents is actually mirroring one’s self as the lesson emerges from life experiences. Then, they develop the skill to reflect on the intrapersonal and develop the skill to write which is in itself a knowledge earned usable at any point in time especially in the academe. The readers, on the other hand, learn to write and improve, in some cases, hone their skills on the styles of writing based on the personal essays of others. The teaching experience of Andrea Sarvady is an interesting case in point. In an interview with an educator (Sarvady 2007) in a school in Atlanta, Georgia, Sarvady emphasized that requiring and training her 7th and 8th grade students in writing personal essays makes them ‘become better writers †¦ and become better people’. Writing just about anything from fiction to non-fiction, Andrea believes that the two-year personal essay writing program she does with her students is to a certain extent therapeutic but more importantly, she claims ‘it helps a lot of kids look at their own life a little more closely at an age where impulse controls issues are so huge. †The process and the progress to becoming â€Å"better people†is no doubt a consequence of knowledge earned. It is easy to contradict the opinion that personal essays are simply entertaining but does not do much to add to the stock of human knowledge. On the contrary, personal essays have much to offer to the formation of the stock of human knowledge while certainly entertaining at the same time. The argument with focus on science as a discipline, (Crichton n. d. ) carries some truth when he said that the â€Å"personal and subjective approach to essay writing entertains the reader, which adds little in comparison to the attainment of human knowledge. †However, at the same time he was quite negating his position when he said that people’s understanding of the world when â€Å"it grows, expands and then adds to the collective work†¦ once accredited and accepted as plausible, it advances the stockpile of human knowledge through the dispersal of academic essays. †In effect personal essays, although a subjective view of an objective knowledge, cannot be denied that however little, they throw in to the stock of human knowledge. Going further to the argument, human knowledge as based on the five sources of knowledge being the framework for this treatise are largely derived nowhere else but from ‘people’ where many of their ‘experiences’ are captured through their written texts as in ‘books’ narrating their own ‘experiences and observations’ of others that they ‘ponder’ on bringing about a deeper understanding of any subject matter. As a consequence, experiences of people first handedly accumulate to significantly contribute to the stock of human knowledge. Personal essays are written experiences of individuals to share their thoughts, insights, points of view, emotions, skills and abilities, ideas, usually bringing home to a point usually a lesson as a consequence of the experience (Editors for Students n. d. ). People trying out new ways of cooking, through experimentations and observations, are collected into cookery books. Similarly, innovative ways of doing interior home designs are collected into magazines and books on home designing shared by countless others. Landscaping and gardening are available in many books from the ideas of many creative individuals. Skills honing activities in any field of interest are available in books and magazines. Many researches utilize the interview instruments which are generally derived from interviews of real people eliciting from their own experiences. From this wide array of information, generalizations are made into principles, theories, and concepts. The amalgam of experiences and observations found and shared in personal essays accruing make up the colossal stock of human knowledge more than just entertain readers. List of References Cavallari, D. What is a Personal Essay [online] Available from [June 4, 2009] Crichton, A. A Subjective Look on Objective Knowledge[online] Available from [June 2, 2009] Editors for Students â€Å"The Personal Essay – Essay Writing Tip #6†[online] available from [June 3, 2009] Houghton Mifflin Company(2003). The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Languag, 4th ed [online] Available from [June 3, 2009] Hs, S. Sources Of Knowledge – How To Gain Knowledge In Any Field [online] Available from [June 4 2009] Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary [online] Available from [June 3, 2009] Personal Essays in the Classroom (March 28, 2007) [online] Available from [June 4, 2009] Interview Oz Essay Personal Experience Essay[online] Available from [June 2, 2009] Composition Patterns The Personal Essay [online] Available from [June 2, 2009]
Friday, January 10, 2020
Condom Advertising Essay
Condom has been a vital contraceptive and STD prevention tool for thousands of years. Several types of male and female condoms are available. Some condoms are made of plastic or animal tissue i. e. lambskin, latex. Condoms are the most effective against viruses such as HIV but Condom use declined markedly during the 1960s as the birth control pills was introduced and contraceptive devices such IUDs became more widely accepted. After the introduction of birth control pills people started avoiding condoms because according to them sex with condoms doesn’t give that much pleasure, But the emergence of HIV/AIDS in the early 1980s , condom use re-emerged and has became increasingly recognized as a critical means of preventing infection with HIV and other STDs that can facilitate HIV infection. Yet many of those at high risk of contracting HIV are not using condoms consistently. For example, recent studies have found that 40 % of sexually active high school students or adult world wide did not use a condom during their most ecent sexual encounter and 87 percent do not believe they are at risk of acquiring HIV. Controversy over Condoms Advertising: Condoms promotion campaigns especially those using a mass media and targeting sexually active youth are controversial. Public usually don’t want to see condoms commercial. Especially in Islamic society, a large number of people are against contraceptive advertising. Do people really feel embarrassed watching such ads in front of their family? Fear of public controversy makes official support difficult and often weakens the potential impact of mass media interventions by diluting the content of the message. Entertaining condoms commercials do always face public’s controversy. Networks don’t care whether commercials contained message or not, they want decent condoms commercials. They want condoms marketer to hide other benefits of condom except prevention of STDs and HIV/AIDs. But do decent condoms commercial can make an impact on consumers mind? Does use of humor and sexual appeal in condoms commercial lead the youngsters towards sex? Networks have been slow to respond to the increasing public acceptance of condom advertising for fear of arousing the opposition of conservative groups. Networks believe that viewers think that condoms encourage promiscuity or may be uncomfortable with the idea of condom advertising within the privacy of homes. Most of the networks want very decent commercials of condoms or otherwise they do reject commercial; Recently FOX and CBS both rejected the Trojan pigs commercial. Both had accepted Trojan’s previous campaign, which urge condom use because of the possibility that a partner might be H. I. V positive, perhaps unknowingly. In a written response to Trojan, though, FOX said that it had rejected the spot because â€Å"Contraceptive advertising must stress health-related uses rather than the prevention of pregnancy. †Due to limited budget and other restrictions, condom marketers and advertisers are facing many problems, because of these restrictions condoms advertiser tend to direct their message to niches audiences through targeted magazines and cable stations (i-e MTV, Channel V, SHE magazine ) rather than the major broadcast networks. The restrictions placed on condom advertising by networks and local stations combined with the modest dvertising budgets of condoms marketers has kept condom advertising at low to imperceptible levels. Advertising of condoms remains more restricted than advertising of many other products including contraceptives. And whether it is due to those restrictions or for other financial reasons, the advertising budgets of condom companies have been so low that condom ads h ave been relatively rare even on those networks and affiliates willing to accept such ads. We have seen many beer commercials; Viagra and oral contraceptive appear on TV (different networks of world) regularly, condom advertising remains limited and highly controversial. Condom advertising is prohibited by National Association of broadcasters’ (NAB) code of Conducts and many religious parties do not permit networks to air its commercials. The first network in the world was KNTV, San Jose, which despite codes decided to carry a spot for Trojan in 1975. Some of the networks and stations that accept condom commercials impose certain limits on them, such as restricting the time of the day they can be run, or requiring their messages to be focused on diseases prevention rather than birth control. Condom marketers express frustration with the time limits networks impose. Condoms marketer could not place their condom ad during primetime even though other consumer product are able to run a network commercial that stimulate sex. Some networks draw a strong line between messages about disease prevention – which may be allowed – and those about pregnancy prevention, which may be considered controversial for religious and moral reasons. Policies for Condoms Advertising: The sensitive and personal nature of this product category warrants that particular care be exercised by the advertiser in the development of commercials. Such commercials will be accepted only if they meet the following conditions: Commercials must: †¢deal solely with the issue of disease prevention †¢make education of the public of primary importance †¢display and promotion of the product must be done in a responsible and sensible manner Commercials must not: †¢make mention of contraception †¢promote casual sex and promiscuity Public Opposition: Usually in forming policies for condom advertising, networks executives rely heavily on audience feedback. The less they hear from viewers on issues around condoms advertising, the better they assume such advertising is received. Silence is golden in this case! The less response, the better it is. Industry executives agree that the landscape for condom ads has improved markedly in the last several years but note that there are still significant obstacles to overcome for greater consistency in policy and broader acceptance. Advertisers vow to continue trying to reach a broad market through network television and say they will grow their budgets when they can more easily place their ads. Most networks say they will continue to evaluate viewer reception to ads from this small but increasingly less controversial advertiser. Most of the people believe that condom ads motivate young’s to do sex because it eliminates the fear of HIV/AIDS, STDs and Pregnancy. And it opposes the traditional values that sex should be kept within the marriage bed. People oppose condom ads because they promote promiscuity. Some TV stations, especially on cable, permit some limited condom advertising, but only late at night when children are presumed to be asleep. Condoms adverts do often appear in magazines which appeal to young adults. Whenever people see condom commercials they switched the other channel or will turnoff the T. V set or may be leave the gathering immediately. Family planning groups argue such ads could help reduce teen pregnancies and check the spread of sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS. People celebrate the sensational aspects of sex and sexuality while entangling the public health aspects of the issue in a straightjacket of fear, shame and denial. Manufacturer do use sexy images to sell sneakers, soft drinks, cars and cosmetics, doesn’t it make a sense for the condom marketer to use them. What do we believe that condom advertising should be aired on TV, there was no consensus on how ad should feature the product and when it should be aired. Our world is on the verge of an AIDs epidemic. Can we afford to be coy about sex and contraception? In urban settings, people seem to know that condoms, if used properly can deter the spread of HIV/AIDs and prevent pregnancy. Many new studies have shown that condom advertising, banned for many years on network television is acceptable to most Americans, Europeans, Germans and Asians. The spread of HIV/AIDS has convinced a growing number of governments to liberalize policies toward condom advertising. Condom ads were once banned in the United Kingdom and France, for example, but are now legal. Other countries that explicitly permit condom advertising include Brazil, Colombia, Denmark, France, Peru, Singapore, and Uganda. The government of Ethiopia itself advertises contraceptives, including condoms. In Russia a government safe-sex campaign uses advertising as its main approach. In contrast, some governments continue to forbid condom advertising or strictly regulate it. In Indonesia, for example, condom advertising is not allowed if condoms are promoted for sexual activities such as extramarital sex or sex with commercial sex workersâ€â€illicit activities likely to spread HIV/AIDSâ€â€but is acceptable if condoms are promoted as a family planning method . Condom ads do not negatively affect viewer’s attitudes toward advertising, although networks restrict the time of the day when condom ads can air and limit their message and tone. But the question arises that these ads should be aired only on a particular time Do the message of safe sex if not for the whole society? Or only particular classes of society are exposed to the risk of sexually transmitted diseases or HIV/AIDs or pregnancy? Ten years ago, no broadcast television network would air a paid condom commercial. Today, three of the six major broadcast networks allow condom companies to advertise on their airwaves, with some limitations on message, tone, and time of day. Fox began accepting condom ads in 1991, CBS in 1998, and NBC in 1999. ABC, UPN, and The WB continue to prohibit paid condom ads. ABC airs ads for prescription birth control pills, and The WB says it would consider ads for the pill as well. UPN and The WB do not broadcast network programming after 10 p. m. Several cable companies have allowed condom advertising for years, and some broadcasters that restrict paid condom ads accept public service ads referencing condoms or safer sex. One advertising agency said that television is one of the most effective means of educating people on the use of contraceptives. However, business people should avoid offending local cultural, social and religious sensitivities. It can be difficult to promote a practice or a product that can interfere with sexual pleasure, can be awkward to use, provides no immediate rewards, and is often associated with distrust and immorality, and whose reliability and effectiveness are often questioned. To be effective, condom promotion must engage people, reach them emotionally, and persuade them that using condoms is important, acceptable, convenient, and the social norm. The advertising of condoms can be especially difficult in conservative societies. The approach in Egypt, where the target is families and the message is family planning, contrasts dramatically with a risque 1998 advertising campaign developed by McCann-Erickson for Durex condoms, targeting young single people and run in Europe. In Egypt, an advertising execution for a condom brand shows a father and mother introducing themselves and their children in a loving way. The message, explained by the parents, is that having only two children, spaced a few years apart, means that one can spend time and attention taking care of them. The advertising of condoms is a very sensitive topic, whether in the context of family planning or preventive health care. In Bahrain, regarded as one of the more liberal Gulf States, the advertising of contraceptives is forbidden. Other products may also be subject to restrictions because of a desire to maintain modesty in the society. For example, a Korean company applied for permission to advertise its underwear product in the Bahrain airport location. The advertising was acceptable only if the words â€Å"Best Cotton Underwear†was removed; which shows the offending text crossed out. Benefits of Condoms Commercials: Several factors proved the importance of condoms advertising: the devastations wrought by HIV/AIDS; the sexual nature of many TV shows; if you see from the public point of view, condoms have an even greater potential in that they can reduce the risk of aids and other STDs, networks are not justifying turning condoms ads down while accepting other contraceptive ads. Following are the main reason why we favored condom commercials: 1) Lack of awareness (especially among sexually active young people) of the effectiveness of condoms in preventing the transmission of HIV/AIDS and some other STIs, as well as pregnancy. ) Promote condom use as fashionable, acceptable and responsible, and as an essential part of HIV/AIDS, sexual health and sex education. 3) Short, 30-60 second radio and television advertising spots can be highly effective in delivering health-related messages. 4) To educate the public to the only product †capable of slowing the spread’’ of acquired immune deficiency syndrome, or AIDS. 5) It will reduce the unwanted pregnancy rates Condoms Advertisement in Pakistan In Pakistan, men are the primary reason why family planning is not a priority and contraceptive use is so low. In a country with about 130 million people, only 12 percent of Pakistani women report using a modern contraceptive method, and Pakistan has the highest total fertility rate among the ten most populous countries. Men’s concerns, beliefs, and practices must be addressed; failure to do so will relegate Pakistan, and its women, to continued high birth rates and unnecessary maternal and child deaths. Men must be motivated to act, to be concerned about their family’s and their wife’s health. Only when men act, or at least do not interfere when their wives desire to act, will the situation improves. The widespread social marketing of condoms in Pakistan has been useful in exposing men to modern methods of avoiding unwanted pregnancies. In Pakistan, men dominate all activities outside the household, including shopping. Thus, men see Sathi condoms at local shops, learn from the media or from friends that it is a simple and affordable means of preventing an unwanted pregnancy, and are inspired to purchase it. Sathi can thus be seen as an introduction to modern contraception, with some couples then graduating to more effective or permanent methods. Targeting Men: The overriding dominance of men as decision-makers in Pakistan, and the restrictions on women’s movements outside the home, has fueled the need to target men in national FP campaigns. Condoms, the premier male contraceptive method, have traditionally been promoted to men. As a result, PSI/SMP has tailored its multi-media condom social marketing messages and educational campaigns to appeal to men and address their resistance points. a. Sense of Male Responsibility The objective of these campaigns is to increase a man’s sense of responsibility for family size and for his wife’s reproductive health. An increased sense of male responsibility – combined with appropriate knowledge about the benefits of family planning, messages which motivate action, and clear instructions on where to go for quality FP products and services – should lead to increased contraceptive use. PSI/SMP has used multiple strategies to motivate men to purchase Sathi condoms. b. Providing Relevant and Correct Information to Men Even with female contraceptive methods – such as Green Star IUDs, oral contraceptives (OCs), and injectables – PSI/SMP targets its messages for male as well as female clients. It is critical to get the men on board since they have an important role not only in the decision to purchase contraceptives, but because they are often the ones to buy the products. In some cases, when a woman’s movements are restricted by purdah, for example, her husband will visit the doctor or pharmacist and may be the only source of information on oral contraceptives and their potential side effects. c. Small Family Norm The PSI/SMP television and cinema commercials which promote Green Star hormonal contraceptives and FP clinics prominently feature men. In one scene, a husband is at first reluctant to discuss family planning with his wife, or permit her to visit a Green Star clinic. After a dream sequence, in which the husband is overwhelmed by rowdy, noisy children, he immediately agrees with his wife that there should be an adequate period between births in order to give each child the time and attention she/he deserves. The commercial closes with the couple visiting a Green Star FP clinic together. d. Male Providers While PSI/SMP is engaged in intensive efforts to train female medical practitioners, it will also train thousands of male doctors and pharmacists. Research indicates that men are more likely to go to other men – particularly male doctors and pharmacists – for information about family planning. It is therefore important that these male medical practitioners provide correct information to men, so that misconceptions can be dispelled and men can assist and even motivate their wives to begin practising contraception. e. Inter-spousal Communication PSI/SMP also communicates more generic messages to the public, those which do not promote a specific contraceptive method or brand, but instead aim to change behaviors in ways that encourage family planning practice. For example, television, radio, and other media promote inter-spousal communication, with a husband and wife discussing family planning options. Research in other countries has shown that couples who discuss family planning are more likely to use modern contraceptives than those couples who avoid the subject. f. Girl Child Throughout its communications campaigns, PSI/SMP has strived to improve the status of women in Pakistan through positive and empowering images and messages. In all PSI/SMP advertisements, for example, a couple is shown with only one child – a girl – with the father obviously loving and caring for the girl. By consistently showing a girl child, PSI/SMP hopes that this will decrease Pakistani men’s preference for a male child, and show that girls are equal in value to boys. Improving the status of women in the eyes of men and in the eyes of the society will lead to increased female empowerment, ultimately resulting in women asserting more control over their reproductive health and family size. Since Pakistan is considered an Islamic society, running condoms commercial on air would raise some controversies. People are not ready to accept these commercials. For them watching condoms commercial, discussing sexual issues is a bit embarrassing. Condom commercial motivates people to have sex out of marriage bed and this is what against their traditional values. It is something that is prohibited in Islam. Condoms advertising were aimed to be potentially socially sensitive in the Asian community, particularly which could clash with traditional values, like keeping oneself disinterested and pure, having few desires, respect for tradition, and moderation.
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