Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Why Chinese Mother Are Superior
Golsom Azim Ms: †Rebecca Language and organization First Draft of Narrative Essay Going to Marriage Party I was nine years of age, extremely uproarious and didn't focus on anybody even my folks. Anything I desired the most I simply did as such. At some point while I was playing with my dolls, I caught that my folks were speaking together about setting off to a marriage party, the marriage party identified with one of my mother’s relative, my mom was stating that â€Å"don’t advise the kids in light of the fact that the house is up until now and on the off chance that we take them they will get drained and furthermore let them to consider their lessons.When I heard it I turned out to be extremely upbeat on the grounds that on my youth I truly preferred to take an interest in various types of gatherings, I simply kept playing, When my mom set herself up for heading off to the wedding, I proceeded to ask: â€Å"Mother where are you going? †Because I was so wi llful my mom concealed it from me and said â€Å"my dear girl I am simply going out for shopping. †yet I realized that she is heading off to the wedding, I stated: â€Å"No mother you are lying, because of going out for what reason would you say you are wearing such delightful garments? my mom said nothing, simply setting herself up. I shouted mother I realize that you are heading off to the wedding; please I need to go also. Kindly take me likewise yet my mom didn't take a gander at me and went to discover her shoe I just fallowed crying, she didn't do anything since she realized that I am so difficult and never hear her out, after a ton of crying she gave me one of my delightful dresses and I prepared. On that day at ten o’clock my folks and I left home.Journey was extremely blissful for me since I never had long excursion, in transit my folks were chatting with one another about the wedding yet I didn't hear them, I was simply observing out from the window of the vehicle various things, similar to individuals were occupied on their works and did various things and saw numerous excellent trees and blossoms and pondering about the individuals outside. I preferred them a great deal and furthermore in transit I saw two individuals were battling with one another and I turned out to be interested and asked my dad â€Å"why they are battling? my dad said my dear little girl I don’t think about them why they are battling, I said taking note of just took a gander at them. Following one hour venture we got off the vehicle and had lunch close to one of the delightful springs. I truly delighted in, while we were having our lunch my mom prompted me a ton that â€Å"my dear little girl when we show up there simply deal with yourself since you don’t know anything about there and be with me, don’t go anyplace without my authorization I just said OK mother.After three hours we showed up there, they were exceptionally glad to meet us an d regarded us a great deal. Around evening time when the gathering began and all the visitors came and the husband to be and lady of the hour additionally came and sat on their own seats, they were looking extremely alluring and enchanting. Individuals who were there begun to move. Because of I couldn’t discover any companion to play with them I just sat close to my mom and watched them. The gathering was so blissful for me and had a great deal of amusing to watch them since all that I saw was new for me.After the gathering was done at a couple o’clock 12 PM numerous visitors went out and some of them remained there, they took me and my mom to one little space for dozing at that night, I was so attempted and felt lethargic soon. I woke up at 8 o’clock in the first part of the day, had my morning meal. At the point when my folks needed to returned home they didn't stay as to come in light of the fact that their gathering didn't complete they had one more gatherin g that show all of things that lady of the hour brought from her folks home. So we didn’t return home on that day and remained for one more day. At the point when I completed my morning meal I saw that my mom was occupied with conversing with other women.Without taking any consent from her, I just went out and saw that numerous kids were playing with one another I was extremely eager to see them since they were playing a game that I adored it also. They were fixing one of the girl’s eyes with a dark Catton and she needed to discover different young ladies in the event that one of the young ladies was found by her, she would play instead of her. Without saying anything I proceeded to go along with them. They didn't tell anything while we were occupied in playing. One of the young ladies said to us, â€Å"Let’s go to the nursery in light of the fact that here isn't acceptable spot for playing. We as a whole acknowledged and went with her. The spot that she discus sed was so far yet at the same time I jumped at the chance to go, when we arrived it was so green and had lovely trees, decent blossoms with various types of smell and one little waterway. we began playing other game that one young lady should shroud her eyes and different young ladies ought to proceed to conceal themselves wherever that they need, we were simply occupied in this game when I passed my turn, I went to shroud myself some place after a ton of hurrying to locate any better spot my feet stuck on a major stone and tumbled down to a river.I attempted a great deal however couldn’t spare myself and started to shout a ton yet nobody heard my voice since they had gone to an extremely far spot to conceal themselves. In the wake of being for ten or fifteen minutes in the water I got oblivious. What's more, when I woke up I wound up in an emergency clinic. It was night around six or seven a clock I saw that my mom was crying toward the edge of the room and my dad was perch ed on a seat when they saw me, my dad was extremely glad however my mom was upbeat and furious as well.Because my dad had chasten her a great deal why she didn't deal with me. My mom drew close to me and asked me for what good reason I liked this, why I didn't focus on her advices. I was feeling so modest and couldn’t tell anything just stated: â€Å"mother who brought me there? †She said,†your dad. †I asked again†how? †She told that: â€Å"We hung tight a great deal for you yet you didn't come so I just looked and after a ton of looking, the young ladies that you had gone with them disclosed to us that you were with them however subsequent to playing they couldn’t discover you so they got back home without you. I was extremely dishonorable before my folks since I made them anxious and as a result of me they didn’t appreciate from the gathering and furthermore I was extremely scared of specialists and medication since I prefe r not to eat medication. Toward the end I came to accept that guardians never need the disagreeableness of their youngsters and they simply consider the bliss, advancement and success of our life. So from that day, I have consistently been complying with whatever my folks have exhorted me.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Health Care Plan Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Social insurance Plan - Case Study Example Smoking and liquor both lead to hypertension and atherosclerotic cardiovascular ailment. The cerebral pain for which he takes Panadol likely could be related with hypertension, and he has a background marked by hypertension (Grundy, et al. 2004). Gordon additionally has hypercholesterolemia, which autonomously and in relationship with smoking, liquor, and likely hypertension would incline to atherosclerotic cardiovascular illness, where statement of fat in the blood vessel dividers would cause narrowing of the coronary supply routes (Davis, 2002). Shockingly Gordon likewise has diabetes mellitus, which makes him increasingly inclined to atherosclerotic coronary illness, would prompt more hypercholesterolemia, would bother the impacts of hypertension, and would prompt an inclination of antagonistic coronary occasions related with coronary vein ailment. Coronary illness (CHD) is typically connected with at least one qualities known as hazard factors. A hazard factor is a part of individual conduct or way of life, a natural introduction or an inherent or acquired trademark, which based on epidemiologic proof is known to be related with the event of infection. The danger of MI is in this way multiplied in the smokers, or a 200% expansion in hazard contrasted and nonsmokers. Higher systolic circulatory strain (Nichols, 2003), higher low-thickness lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, higher fasting glucose levels and 2-hour insulin esteems, higher weight list (BMI), and lower high-thickness lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol are totally related higher mortality in this gathering of patients (Roth and Laurent-Bopp, 2004). Given this situation, there must be a measure to survey his blood weights and blood sugars. Lab tests might be incorporated to gauge his serum lipid levels. His prescription history is significant in that over-the-counter medicine must be halted. These likewise may bother hypertension. For hypertension customary admission of antihypertensive medicine might be important. For a consistent control of blood sugars forbearance from liquor is an absolute necessity alongside customary prescription, diet, exercise, and normal checking of the blood sugars. True to form, for his situation, there is a high possibility of the lipid profile
Thursday, August 13, 2020
The One and Only Melis
The One and Only Melis 5.0 G.P.A. Rhodes Scholar One of Glamour Magazines Top 10 College Women in 2007 Member of the 2008 All-USA College Academic First Team . . . . Ill never forget meeting Melis Anahtar at FLP she has such a beautiful smile that youd think that shes the daughter of a Crest employee. One night my first semester here, I was struggling with an 18.02 problem. My roommate couldnt figure it out either, so I decided to ask Melis for help over AIM she patiently explained to me how to solve it, but I remained confused. Id already taken half an hour of her time, so I thought that itd be imposing of me to ask if I could get help from her in person much to my surprise, she asked if I wanted to meet her in person. It was a no-brainer I hustled to Next House as fast as possible and practically flew into her room. As I caught my breath, she took me through every step of the problem once again, and walked out with a smile on her face as she left to go wherever she was heading. That story captures the qualities about Melis that inspire me everyday brilliance, kindness, and humility, all of which she displays so effortlessly. Im grateful to have her as a role model, as are so many other people at MIT. With graduation a few weeks away, I decided to profile her for my blog. At first I thought that Id try to narrate her story by myself, but I soon realized that doing so would be a daunting task she has done so much research and contributed to MIT in so many ways that I wouldnt know where to begin. So, I decided to let her write this entry in some sense I asked her a few questions about her upbringing and her experiences. Prepare to be dazzled How did you get interested in science? Both of my parents are architects, so I grew up in their studio and developed a passion for designing, building, and drawing. I loved playing with Legos and making cities out of trash like old tissues boxes and paper towel rolls. I was also lucky to grow up in the D.C. metropolitan area, where there were many science-related extracurricular activities available like science clubs taught by scientists from NIST and the NIH on the weekends, electricity workshops offered through the 4-H, and a problem solving competition called Odyssey of the Mind (which I did from 1st 11th grade). Which experiences, before and at MIT, have been most formative in your development as a person, thinker, and so forth? I attended Math, Science, and Computer Science Magnet programs in middle and high school. They were wonderful, nurturing environments where I got exposed to advanced biology, computer science, chemistry, math, and so forth. My passion for research and science began in earnest in 10th grade, when I became fascinated with biology and learned about all of the crazy processes that occur in our bodies. I was able to take advanced classes in genetics and cellular physiology that also made me curious about biological mechanisms. Another part of the Magnet curriculum was the senior research project. It was a tremendous opportunity to spend two summers (after my sophomore and junior years of high school) working in the Center for Engineering in Medicine (CEM) at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). My mom and sister moved up to Boston with me and I did a project in microfluidics, where I created a device that separates 99% of the white blood cells in a few drops of blood. In the future, this device could be used for personalizing medicine. It was incredible to go from designing a device on the computer, making it in the clean room, and then testing it with rat blood. Ill never forget watching the red blood cells explode as they went coursed through the device, and seeing that only white blood cells were coming out of the outlet. Through that experience, I really fell in love with bioengineering, became a finalist in the Intel Science Talent Search, got 1st place in Engineering at the International Science and Engineering Fair, and got to publish a paper in Analytical Chemistry where I was the second author. Most importantly, it was at MGH that I learned about MIT. Everyone there told me how it was the best engineering school and that I just had to go there! In what labs have you worked, and what research did you conduct in each? Freshman-year IAP May: I worked in the lab of Professor Jianzhu Chen at the MIT Center for Cancer Research. We were trying to develop an efficient method of promoting cellular uptake of siRNA. I tested formulations for pulmonary delivery of siRNA in vivo using two non-toxic carriers, polyethylenimine and poly-beta-amino ester. Through my research in the Chen Lab, I became proficient at handling animals and learned the fundamentals of gene therapy, drug delivery, and cell cultures. I also further developed my interests in genetics and virology. It was fascinating to apply the latest discoveries in biology to such a practical and extremely important problem as treating influenza. The challenges of delivering RNA to cells captured my imagination, and made me very interested in the application of nanotechnology to this problem. Obviously, nanotechnology is still in its infancy, but it has great potential for future diagnostic and treatment techniques. Thus, I arranged to spend the summer of 2005 at NIST, studying the use of optical tweezers to create nanowire-based devices. Nanowires are the basic building block of the nanoscale world, and while we have many different types available to us, there are very few tools to manipulate and assemble them directly. One of the few such tools is optical tweezers, which use the momentum of photons to move around and trap objects smaller than ten microns. I used them to manipulate semiconducting zinc oxide nanowires and create junctions and parallel wires, with the goal of eventually makin g more complex structures. Sophomore and junior academic years: I worked in the BioInstrumentation Lab. My main focus was testing the efficacy of three generations of a needle-free injector (NFI) that had been developed there. Conventional hypodermic syringes used for drug injection present many hazards due to accidental needle sticks and improper disposal. The NFI eliminates the necessity for a needle by puncturing the skin using a high-velocity liquid jet. In addition to being safer than a hypodermic needle, it may also have higher patient compliance rates due to a less painful injection. I was able to participate in the research and development phases, and worked simultaneously with mechanical engineers and a biologist. From side projects, I learned circuit design and control systems. [Check out her essay on NFIs at] Summers after sophomore, junior, and (soon to be) senior years: I worked in the Human Biochemical Genetics Lab at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI). The lab specializes in rare genetic disorders caused by problems in vesicle-related organelle formation and trafficking. I chose the lab for the opportunity to conduct genetics research for the clinical director of the NHGRI, Dr. Bill Gahl. Every Thursday morning, we had the opportunity to shadow him on clinical rounds and see him transition flawlessly between the bench and bedside. The research has been especially meaningful because of the clinical applications; the decision to return to the lab this summer was a no-brainer. I couldnt seem to get the research out of my mind, and I worked non-stop during the day but couldnt have been happier about it. As a summer student in 2006, I studied Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome, a genetic disease which causes albinism, excessive bleeding, and sometimes pulmonary fibrosis and colitis, and also met patients affected by the disorder. In 2007, I studied disease markers for pulmonary fibrosis, with the goal of developing outcome parameters for clinical trials involving the most seriously affected patients. At the same time, I studied patients with Smith-Magenis Syndrome, a developmental disorder that causes autism and inverse circadian patterns of sleep. I worked directly with Dr. Ann Smith, who first described the condition in 1986, and performed real-time PCR on patient DNA to determine the breakpoints of their large deletion on chromosome 17. Finally, I did my senior thesis project (September 2007-May 2008) in the Lab for Multiscale Regenerative Technology under the guidance of Professor Sangeeta Bhatia. I designed and synthesized biocompatible silicon nanoparticles that can be used to image tumors using MRI.
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